策 展 人:彭捷
出 品 人:刘伟
参展艺术家:高珊 葛辉 何汶玦 洪丹 金阳平 柯明 李储会 罗威 陆亮 林清 邱加 孙尧 吴啸海 王辉 肖敏 谢曹闽 叶文 余旭鸿 张婧 赵峥嵘 (按字母顺序排列)
展览日期:2016.3.19 — 2016.4.6 (周一闭馆)
展览开幕:2016.3.19 (15:00-18:00)
给纯金镀金,不再是这个时代的荒唐与浪费。马克•吐温以源于莎翁的历史剧“约翰王”(King John)定义了百年前那个狂飙突进的“镀金时代”,今天, 艺术以其流动无序、晦涩神秘而屡获新生。它比石油更容易存储,比钻石更有质感,比政治有更持久的影响力。它是时代的王冠。经历真实,泡沫也真实,尽情展示 而不绝望。在场的每一位艺术家,仍然可以获得一个温情脉脉的加冕桂冠。
Shanghai as the hotbed of city, the group exhibition “The Gilded Age” in E Space focuses on twenty highlight active artists in the field of vision presently. It will last from March 19 to April 6th, 2016. The art exhibition aims to outline an age range of art, which is filled with boiled individual vitality and original sights.
“Crown yourself as a king in the dream kingdom. Give yourself a unique commitment and chose a alternative road; Set a deadline that boarded the dream hall to keep the promises by your own arrogance and impeccable reputation. ”
— Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919)
To gild the refined gold, is no longer a ridiculous and waste in this era. Mark Twain defined “The Gilded Age” hundred years ago by the historical drama “King John” of Shakespeare . Today,art awards rebirth as its flow disorder and mysterious obscure. It is easier to store than oil, more textural than diamond, more lasting impact than politics. Art is the crown of this era. It is experienced the real time, sank in time, but it enjoys the shows without despair. The artists who present the artwork here can obtain their crowns full of tender feelings.
Peng Jie